12 Ways to Stop Hair Loss

August 30, 2023

Man with hair loss looks in the mirror

Hair loss is something that many people experience. Both men and women can experience hair thinning and loss for a variety of reasons. According to Dr. Miranda Ewelukwa of U.S. Dermatology Partners in Sugar Land, Texas, “Hair loss can be a sensitive subject for many people, and it’s easy to feel self-conscious or embarrassed about your appearance when hair loss starts. Many people simply live with the effects of hair loss, feeling helpless to make a change, but there are numerous options to prevent and reverse hair loss and improve hair and scalp health. You may not think about your dermatologist when it comes to treating hair loss, but this is actually something that dermatologists provide treatment for regularly.” In this blog, Dr. Ewelukwa discusses the top 12 ways to stop hair loss.

3 Tips to Change Lifestyle Factors Leading to Hair Loss

Regarding the role that lifestyle plays in hair loss, Dr. Ewelukwa says, “Our hair care and diet can have a significant impact on the body’s ability to grow and sustain healthy, beautiful hair. With a few adjustments, many people can minimize their risk for hair loss.” Our three top tips for improving your daily routine to benefit hair health are:

  1. Develop a gentle hair care plan – Find a good shampoo and conditioner that are hydrating and don’t contain a lot of harsh ingredients. This will help to keep your scalp healthy. If you’re looking for a quick solution, consider investing in the RevitaLash Hair Enhancement Kit. This complete hair care system promotes thicker, fuller hair. You should also address dandruff and other scalp health issues right away. When styling your hair, take care to choose options that don’t pull at the hair follicle.
  2. Adjust your diet – Add extra protein to your daily meals. Low protein is one of the main dietary causes of hair loss or thinning. Additionally, foods common in a Mediterranean diet (greens, basil, parsley) have been shown to reduce the risk for male and female-pattern baldness.
  3. Take vitamins – Research indicates that vitamins A, B, C, and D, as well as zinc, iron, and selenium are beneficial in promoting hair growth. A good multivitamin should contain these ingredients and support your hair growth goals.

4 Methods of Preventing Hair Loss with Oral & Topical Medications

Changing your hair care and lifestyle can be beneficial in preventing hair loss, but these steps will only take you so far. To see dramatic results, you’ll probably need to utilize topical and oral medications to boost your scalp health and promote hair growth. Four oral and topical medications we recommend for preventing hair loss include:

  1. Topical and/or oral minoxidil – Often referred to by the brand name Rogaine, topical minoxidil is applied directly to the scalp where it prevents hair loss and can even stimulate hair regrowth and encourage hair to grow thicker and healthier. This topical medication has proven effective in addressing almost all types of hair loss. Minoxidil also comes in an oral form and has been used in recent years by dermatologists to treat alopecia.
  2. Finasteride – This medication is for men with androgenetic alopecia (male-pattern baldness). It works by halting the production of certain hormones that cause hair follicles to thin.
  3. Antiandrogens – These medications work for women with female-pattern baldness the same way that finasteride works for men. It halts a female hormone that causes hair follicles to thin, therefore, allowing hair to grow.
  4. Other medications – For hair loss caused by non-hormonal concerns, a dermatologist may prescribe corticosteroids, antifungals, antibiotics, or a combination of these medications to improve chances for successful hair loss treatment.

5 Treatments to Stop Hair Loss

In addition to the lifestyle changes and preventive treatments discussed above, you can also consider a number of dermatologic treatments to halt the progress of hair loss. According to Dr. Ewelukwa, “There are numerous dermatologic treatments that will improve the appearance, thickness, and health of hair and stop further hair loss. By partnering with a dermatologist to receive these treatments and create a good at-home care routine, you can significantly improve the way your hair looks and feels.” Our five most recommended treatments for hair loss are outlined below:

  1. Laser treatments and low-level light therapy have both proven beneficial in stopping hair loss and stimulating hair growth for people with hereditary and chemotherapy-related hair loss, alopecia areata (spot baldness), and it can even improve the results of hair transplants. Numerous low-level laser therapy treatments are necessary to achieve the desired results, but these treatments are typically quick and painless.
  2. Microneedling – Microneedling on its own has been proven to stimulate hair growth and prevent hair loss, but it’s even more beneficial when combined with topical minoxidil.
  3. Corticosteroid injections – These injections administered once a month or every other month are beneficial in halting hair loss and stimulating regrowth for people with certain forms of alopecia.
  4. PRP – Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy is a common treatment used to slow hair loss. It involves removing plasma from your own blood cells, then injecting the plasma into the scalp. This injection stimulates healing, encourages damaged hair follicles to convert to the growing phase, and promotes general scalp health. In most cases, your dermatologist will recommend monthly treatments for several months, followed by regular retreatment every three to six months. Each PRP treatment only takes about ten minutes to complete.
  5. Hair Transplant – If you have bald spots or patches of thinning hair, a hair transplant can quickly restore the lost hair. When performed correctly, this procedure can deliver natural-looking results that are usually permanent.

Can Hair Loss Be Reversed?

There are some treatments and medications that can help to regrow hair after hair loss. The best way to find out if there are options available to reverse your hair loss is to schedule a consultation with a dermatologist. During a consultation, your dermatologist can partner with you to develop a treatment plan that combines dermatologic procedures and medications to achieve your desired results. When you’re ready to get started, U.S. Dermatology Partners makes it easy to schedule your consultation. Just take a few minutes to complete our online scheduling form. Once we receive your request, one of our local dermatology team members will reach out to finalize the details of your visit.

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