Radiesse Injections from U.S. Dermatology Partners

What Is Radiesse?

At U.S. Dermatology Partners, our board-certified dermatologists utilize a range of treatment options to help our clients achieve healthier, more beautiful skin. Among these are dermal fillers, a great option to improve the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and sagging skin. There are many different dermal fillers available, and each has its own, unique advantages. RADIESSE dermal filler injections from U.S. Dermatology Partners are an innovative treatment option. Due to the long-lasting results, RADIESSE has quickly become one of the most popular filler options available. You can learn more on this page, and don’t hesitate to call the U.S. Dermatology Partners team near your home or office to schedule a cosmetic dermatology consultation. Book your appointment today to find the best cosmetic dermatology treatment for you and your skin.

RADIESSE Dermal Filler Injections from U.S. Dermatology Partners

RADIESSE is an injectable dermal filler used to plump the skin. When age or scarring causes fine lines, wrinkles, or sagging, RADIESSE dermal fillers can be injected below the skin to restore volume and smooth, youthful fullness. Each type of dermal filler is uniquely formulated to address specific concerns. RADIESSE’s formula uses a water-based gel with calcium-based microspheres to recreate lost volume, with non-toxic and non-allergenic ingredients. Because the components of RADIESSE’s formula are very similar to naturally-occurring minerals, people are much less likely to experience an allergic response. Over time, the body absorbs the filler material, but unlike traditional dermal fillers that need to be immediately readministered to maintain the desired results after they’re absorbed, RADIESSE dermal filler treatment is also designed to spark the production of your body’s natural collagen, meaning you’ll retain your improved appearance for even longer before you need retreatment.

While most people select RADIESSE for use improving the appearance of the face, specifically the skin around the nose and mouth, it is also used to restore volume on the backs of hands, and it can sometimes be administered as an alternative to implant surgery in the nose, cheeks, or chin.

Who Is a Good Candidate for RADIESSE?

Who Is a Good Candidate for RADIESSE?RADIESSE is recommended for adults between the ages of 35 and 60 with mild to moderate signs of aging who want to treat wrinkles, frown lines, and smile lines or who wish to add volume to their face. During a cosmetic consultation, your dermatologist can tell you if you are a good candidate for RADIESSE.

We often recommend RADIESSE for our patients who want to achieve one of the following goals:

During your consultation visit, you should review your health history with your dermatologist to ensure they’re aware of any potential risks before you begin.

While the ingredients of RADIESSE are generally very easily tolerated by people with most skin types, you may not be an ideal candidate for RADIESSE if you have any of the following concerns:

How Does RADIESSE Dermal Filler Treatment Work?

RADIESSE is injected directly into the dermal and subcutaneous layers of the skin, using a very fine needle to minimize bruising and skin irritation. Before we begin treatment, to further ensure comfort, a topical anesthetic or numbing cream will be applied to the treatment area to minimize discomfort. Additionally, RADIESSE can be combined with lidocaine to further increase comfort throughout the treatment process. After the RADIESSE dermal filler is injected, you’ll immediately notice skin looks smooth, supple, and youthful. In addition to the immediate results, the ingredients in RADIESSE also stimulate the production of collagen. Depending on the area being treated, the procedure is completed very quickly with minimal downtime, so most patients can stop by to see us over the lunch hour without needing to take off of work for the treatment.

Before and After photos of Radiesse

Before and after Radiesse procedure.

Before and After photos of Radiesse

Before and after Radiesse procedure.

Are There Side Effects to RADIESSE?

The most common side effects of RADIESSE dermal filler injections are swelling, bruising, and tenderness of the skin in the treated areas. Injections in the back of the hand can make it difficult to perform certain activities, and you may also have bumps or lumps in the back of your hand for up to one year. Immediately following RADIESSE treatment, you may want to use an ice pack or over-the-counter pain medications to relieve discomfort for the first day or two after treatment.

The most common side effects of RADIESSE treatment are very mild and include:

While extremely rare, there are some serious side effects you should tell your dermatologist about as soon as possible. Injection into a blood vessel may occur, which can cause high levels of pain, paleness, changes in vision, scarring, and an elevated risk for stroke. You should let your dermatologist know right away if you notice any of these warning signs. All treatments that involve injection into the skin have a risk for infection. If you notice any signs of infection, you should contact your dermatologist. After receiving RADIESSE dermal filler injections, make sure to let any other healthcare providers know about your treatment as the ingredients of RADIESSE can be seen on x-rays and CT scans.

How Long Will RADIESSE Last?

Woman happy with Radiesse treatment

The results of RADIESSE dermal filler treatment are seen within one week, and they can last for up to two years. The long-lasting effects of RADIESSE  dermal fillers are due to the increased production of collagen. As the body naturally begins to process out the dermal fillers, new collagen replaces the filler material, sustaining the smooth, youthful appearance of your skin. Everyone will have a different response to RADIESSE treatment, and your dermatologist will want to continue monitoring your results and recommend retreatment as necessary.

*Results may vary by individual

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