Keep wound dry for 24 hours, then remove bandage and shower normally.
Cleanse wound gently, allowing soap and water to run over wound, but do not scrub.
Keep wound moist with Polysporin ointment or Vaseline, and cover daily with a clean non-stick bandage.
If You Have Bleeding
Hold firm pressure for 20 minutes, without lifting pressure to look at wound. Repeat as needed.
If wound continues to bleed, call our office or report to the nearest emergency room.
If You Have Pain
Elevate the affected limb on the date of the procedure and the following day; this will minimize throbbing pain, swelling, and bleeding.
If toenail was removed, wear open-toe shoes as much as possible.
For any wound discomfort, you may take Tylenol (or acetaminophen), for adults 500-1000 mg every six hours (if you are able to take Tylenol) and/or use cold compresses for up to 20 minutes hourly as needed.
Activities to Avoid
Avoid contaminated water (lake, river, or ocean); use waterproof bandage in chlorinated pool.
Minimize activity that produces stress to the avulsion site, such as running, until well healed.
Watch for Infection
Call the office if you have signs of infection, such as increased tenderness, warmth, spreading redness, swelling, or thick white-to-yellow discharge.
Severe infection may also include fever, chills, nausea, or pain radiating from the wound to surrounding tissue; seek urgent medical attention.
Slight redness, initial tenderness, and clear yellow discharge are normal.